Biochemistry Analyzer - Autoquant 200i

The lab is equipped with fully Automated random access Bio-Chemistry Analyser AutoQuant 200i AmaraTM Merilanalyzer with throughput of 200 tests per hour.

Glycated Haemoglobin Analyzer - Bio Rad

HPLC machine from Bio-Rad for Glycated Haemoglobin.(HBA1c). This is the state of the art technology for accurate estimation of Glycated haemoglobin and for screening for Abnormal haemoglobins.

Cell Counter - Sysmex

HPLC machine from Bio-Rad for Glycated Haemoglobin.(HBA1c). This is the state of the art technology for accurate estimation of Glycated haemoglobin and for screening for Abnormal haemoglobins.

Urine Analyser - Transasia Laura M

An automated Random access Urine analyzer, a type of reflectance photometer that can process several hundred strips per hour.

  • We run quality controls and standards everyday with strict adherence to WHO rule.
  • Regular Internal audits to monitor out of control situations.
  • Retesting of retained samples and replicate analysis.
  • Accuracy, Precision, uncertainty of measurement and Total error estimation and monitoring.

Ultrasound Scanning / Colour Doppler / Echo - VOLUSON

Ultrasound scan can image the anatomy and pathology of organs in our abdomen and neck. Ultrasound is also used to image for anomalies during pregnancy and to monitor growth of baby. Color doppler scans are used to image the flow within arteries and veins in our body.

Types of Scans:

  • Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
  • Ultrasound obstetric / antenatal scan
  • Ultrasound anomalies scan
  • Color doppler scan (arteries and veins of limbs)
  • Renal / Carotid / Obstetric dopplerRs 2500
  • Sonomammogram
  • Echo


Digitial Xray or Radiograph is the bsic diagnostic modality with multiple uses. It is used to rule out fractures in trauma, infections or heart enlargement in chest, intestinal obstruction or kidney calculi in abdomen etc., Special contrast studies are also done in Xray for varied purposes.

Xray Types:

ray single view (Xray chest, Xray abdomen, Xray PNS)

Xray Two views (Xray knee AP, Lateral views etc)

Hysterosalphingogram (HSG)

Other special studies (Intravenous urogram / pyelogram,

Micturating cystourethrogram, Retrograde urethrogram, Barium studies)

Electrocardiography (ECG)



An ECG (electrocardiogram) records the electrical activity of your heart at rest. It provides information about your heart rate and rhythm, and shows if there is enlargement of the heart due to high blood pressure (hypertension) or evidence of a previous heart attack (myocardial infarction). However, it does not show whether you have asymptomatic blockages in your heart arteries or predict your risk of a future heart attack. The resting ECG is different from a stress or exercise ECG or cardiac imaging test.